Ok, so it is only September and you are wondering why I am already thinking about holiday family portraits…well, I want YOU to beat the mad rush and not to have to add it to your list of things to do during the holidays. Let’s be honest, you’ll be decorating the house, buying everyone presents (if you are looking for me, I love shoes!), making your famous fruitcake, attending holiday parties every weekend, cleaning and getting the house ready for all your northern company who’s ready to enjoy a warm holiday,…and the list goes on. Wow, I’m already stressed just thinking about it! My other reason is that I AM THE BIGGEST FAN OF CHRISTMAS! It is my favorite time of year and I love decorating. I used to make myself wait until Thanksgiving weekend to decorate, but now I do it over Halloween weekend 😉 For more details and pricing, please feel free to call us at 239.634.4191 or email me directly at alison@alisonbeyerphotography.com. Hurry!