I feel old. This wonderful young man I can actually remember when he was a baby. He has always been my dear friend’s little brother…and now he has grown up! Where does the time go? I fear there may be many more posts like this, haha! Anyway, it was a joy to do Joshua’s senior photos. I had a lot of fun and Josh..well he was super patient. I can’t imagine that taking senior photos is many guys highlights, but I’m excited he hung in there until the end! We covered a lot of ground in the River District (which by the way is decorated for Christmas already, yay!!) and then finished up in my studio. Such a handsome young man, but more importantly I was so impressed with what a mature person he has become, so grounded in his faith. The necklace he sported was something he got when he was on a missions trip to Haiti. I love seeing this next generation pouring themselves into other people. Congratulations Josh, all the best as you finish up high school!