I can’t believe we are already in October, what happened to the summer?! So now the craziness really begins…holidays are right around the corner! But as our schedules pick up, don’t forget to get your family portraits taken. Those little kiddos change and grow so fast, you definitely want to capture those precious moments before they are off to college (in a blink!).
I got to photograph this beautiful family while they were out here on vacation/family visit. A special time too, since the kiddos were both celebrating birthdays (turning three and one). They were such a blast, the sweet girl so adorable with her little poses and the little guy really great at smashing cupcakes!
So here are a few of my favorites… 🙂
Fall is flying by fast! To book your session feel free to email or call me! I’ll be in SWFL October 27-November 6 for fall portrait sessions!
Happy Fall,
🙂 Alison